FEATURED EBOOK: HOA Winter Maintenance Guide
Because winter conditions can significantly affect the health and well-being of your community, properly maintaining your homeowners’ association (HOA) during the season is crucial. While winter upkeep may look different from one association to the next, there are things all associations can do to maintain operations, structures, security, and resident satisfaction in the months to come.
Specifically, you might consider:
- Reviewing service contracts
- Taking a look at your budget
- Preparing your landscaping
- Preventing ice accumulation
- And much more!
As leading experts in the industry, we at Associa have spent decades serving communities of all shapes and sizes and know the value of regular maintenance. Jamie Luke, Associa OnCall’s senior vice president, has developed a comprehensive winter maintenance guide to help you navigate the colder conditions. Download it now to learn everything you should do to sustain a functional and well-operated community.